October 4, 2010

Peanut butter and 'naner sandwich

I often eat breakfast on the go while pushing E in her stroller. Muffins and bagels fare well, but we had none of either in the house this morning and I wanted to save the cash on picking something up while we were out. Naturally my mind went to peanut butter and jelly (or peanut butter and jam, or simply "pubbers" as it's known in my house). But when I got to the fridge I realized we were out of jam. Now what? Thankfully I'd read a back-to-school article in Newsday the other day which had all kinds of lunch ideas - takeoffs on regular sandwiches. One of the ideas was peanut butter with bananas and honey. I don't keep honey in the house, but I sure do have agave nectar, which works as a perfect substitute. So one slice of bread got a schmear of smooth peanut butter and then covered in slices of ripe banana. The other slice of bread got a quick squirt of agave before I put it all together and threw it into a zip-top bag. Into the diaper bag it went and we were off!

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