September 13, 2010

Samosa Potato casserole and "round two" breakfast

Note the "New Mommy" mug, compliments of my sister-in-law
One of my favorite cookbooks, Veganomicon, has a recipe for Samosa Baked Potatoes, which is basically twice-baked potatoes with samosa-inspired spices (mustard seeds, coriander, garlic, ginger, cumin and turmeric) and veggies (onion, carrot and peas). I've made it a bunch of times before and always love it, but always seem to forget about it. I recently remembered it and decided to make it, but with a twist - instead of going through the hassle of scooping out and restuffing the potato skins, I decided to just coarsely chop the potatoes and cook it in a casserole dish. And to finish the meal off, I went with the book's suggestion and tried the Spinach and Tomatoes, which is simply diced tomatoes and spinach cooked up in some of the same flavors as the potatoes. Served up side-by-side they made a tasty, light meal.

There were plenty of leftovers, so a day or two later I threw some of the leftovers (potatoes and veggies) in a pan and made Indian hash browns. Served over a toasted English muffin it made for a quick hot breakfast for a mom sick of cereal and out of freezer muffins.

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